I left Estonia last Friday (May 19) and am now back in Swarthmore. Packing up and getting organized to leave meant I didn't have much time to post over the last week. But I have quite a few more posts I want to write, so I plan to continue with the Estonia theme for at least a couple more weeks.
This post contains the second batch of pictures from my day trip to the shores of Lake Peipsi that I took last weekend. The other main attraction of the region, aside from the Russian Old Believer villages that I mentioned in the first post about the trip, is the 19th century 'manor house' at Alatskivi. The Estonians use the term 'manor house' for what is often more like a French chateau, and this is the case with Alatskivi. Reputedly modeled on the Queen's residence at Balmoral, Alatskivi was completed around the turn of the 19th century, but then became increasingly dilapidated during the post-war soviet era, during which time it was used as a military training center, a collective farm, and a technical college. The interior is currently being renovated -- a few rooms have been finished but most of the inside still needs a lot of work.

Surrounding the chateau are extensive grounds, including a landscaped garden and a large lake.
